RFID/NFC Key Fob & Epoxy Fobs

RFID key tags for residence buildings for access to lobbies, 24-hr fitness clubs/rooms, pools, and storage areas. A great product for employee and staff members as well. RFID key tags are able to be custom printed, 4 color process and manufactured to your PMS specification. We offer laser engraving numbering for durability.

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Proximity (PROX) Key Fobs

RFID Key tags can have either LF Proximity chip (125khz) frequency or NXP Mifare (13.56mhz) chip. RFID key tags can be custom printed with 4-color process logo or PMS exact color match. Add laser engraved numbering for durability.

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Epoxy Key Fobs

Epoxy key fob are molded fobs that can be made to a custom size and printed in 4-color process printing or PMS exact color match. Add either Prox or Mifare chip to each fob. Each fob is uniquely numbered and can feature a bar code for additional tracking.


Available in the entire NXP Mifare family of chips; Ultralight ULC, 1K & 4K, etc. NTAG213, NTAG215, EM4200. Each fob can be PMS match to your specification, laser engraved, and imprinted. Call or email us for in-stock RFID fobs.